Our Team.

Principle Investigator
Teresa Rapp, PhD
Keeping everyone alive
Trained in Chemistry and Chemical/Bioengineering

PhD Student
Monique Demuth
Organic, Inorganic, and Materials (OIM)
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

PhD Student
Audrey Klein
Photodynamic Biomaterials
Organic, Inorganic, and Materials (OIM)
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

PhD Student
Golnaz Navidi
Photodynamic Biomaterials
Organic, Inorganic, and Materials (OIM)
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Master's Intern - Polymer KCGIP
Evalyn Smith
Phototriggered Cargo Release
Polymers Master's Internship Program

First Year Rotation Student
Sylvia Kennerly
Self-Illuminating Biomaterials
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

First Year Rotation Student
Ben Canter
Photodynamic Biomaterials
Molecular Biology
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Research Assistant
Leah Morzenti
Biomaterials Generation
Dual Chemistry and Anthropology major

Undergraduate Researcher
Hannah Novak
Self-Illuminating Drug Delivery
Biochemistry Major

Undergraduate Researcher
Pearstin Confenti
Biochemistry Major

Undergraduate Researcher
Ella Morris
Phototriggered Cargo Release
Human Physiology Major

LCC Undergraduate Researcher
Jonathan Bouton
Phototriggered Cargo Release
Chemistry Major
Lab Alumni

Undergrad Researcher 2023-2024
Sydney Williams
Pre-med student, forensic pathology